Feature Focus: Using Teamo for Communications
Panicking about which colour kit you're supposed to be wearing on game day? Have a look at the Match Day Chat.
Want to message the squad about the result of the game? Send them a message in the group chat.
Want to send an email to the whole club about an upcoming social? Use broadcast messages or Teamomail to quickly alert everyone in one go.
Teamo has everything that you will need to communicate quickly and effectively. Familiarise yourself with the different ways you can communicate with other Teamo users with our blog down below and find out about all the different capabilities.
Multiple Communication Methods

- Choose to communicate to others through broadcast messages, group chats, emails or individual messages.
- None of which require you to need a phone number.
- You do not even need the other person's number!
- Attach PDF files and links to share final match tactics and other vital bits of information, all completely free.
Teamo Chats
- Use the messaging service found within Teamo to quickly message teammates or friends about anything you want.
- Attach GIFs, photos and links to your messages to ensure you get your full point across.
- Create group chats for each positional group to talk about tactics for the upcoming crunch match.
"Having all of the Club's admin functions and information available in one easy to use app has been a revolution for the club. From member communications to team selection; Teamo has made everyone's job much easier!" - Simon Hastead, Chichester Priory Park CC
Emergency Communications
- In the unfortunate event where there has been an accident, easily find emergency contact details for every junior in your club.
- Click on their name then switch over to the 'Emergency' Tab where you will be able to see the name and contact details of their emergency contact.
- Especially useful if you do not have any other member information to hand and do not want to sort through dozens of unsaved numbers in a group chat.
GDPR Compliant
- Any message sent to a child automatically adds in the child's guardian to view the message.
- This benefits both coaches, managers and parents, allowing the coach to communicate with the player in a safe manner and the parent can see every message that has been sent.
- It is not possible for users to delete any message they send so Teamo will always have a record of who has said what.
- Teamo are able to delete messages but this only happens in a rare case when private information has been accidentally sent from one person to another.
- If you feel like you need Teamo to delete something urgently, send us a message through the support chat.
Teamo Mail

- Using the unique team email addresses linked to each team, managers and coaches can quickly send out a message to the whole squad including guardians to update them on any actions occurring within the club.
- Each team and section in the club will have a custom email address where they can message their individual squad or club section.
- Teamo checks the live database for sending permissions and latest group members and sends out the email equivalent to BCC to all, sender gets a receipt to confirm the email has been sent successfully.
We hope you have found this quick guide handy. If you have any questions, send us a message through Support Chat in the App!